I using Storybook 6.4 (with angular framework) I m trying to hide a property from auto generated doc (the args table of Storybook)
How to do that for the following story
export default {
component: MyComponent,
decorators: [moduleMetadata({ imports: [AModuleModule] })],
parameters: {
controls: { hideNoControlsWarning: true },
} as Meta;
type MyStory = MyComponent;
export const Default: StoryObj<MyStory> = {};
It is possible to control the auto generated output via the argTypes of Meta definition
export default {
component: MyComponent,
decorators: [moduleMetadata({ imports: [AModuleModule] })],
parameters: {
controls: { hideNoControlsWarning: true },
argTypes: {
aPropName: { table: { disable: true } },
anInputName: { control: { disable: true } },
} as Meta<MyComponent>; // Hint: type your meta object to have some code completion from your IDE for argTypes
type MyStory = MyComponent;
export const Default: StoryObj<MyStory> = {};
Et voilà :)