I want to add a console panel to my html page like in the REPL page of the svelte site.
My site was generating as a static site and copy in an ESP8266 micro controller. I have no idea how to do that :-(
The REPL overwrites the methods of the console
object to extend them.
E.g. for the methods that write messages:
['clear', 'log', 'info', 'dir', 'warn', 'error', 'table'].forEach((level) => {
const original = console[level];
console[level] = (...args) => {
const stringifiedArgs = stringify(args);
if (previous.level === level && previous.args && previous.args === stringifiedArgs) {
parent.postMessage({ action: 'console', level, duplicate: true }, '*');
} else {
previous = { level, args: stringifiedArgs };
try {
parent.postMessage({ action: 'console', level, args }, '*');
} catch (err) {
parent.postMessage({ action: 'console', level: 'unclonable' }, '*');
This uses postMessage
to send a message event containing the logged contents, but you could use other mechanisms as well.