While creating my database according to the eloquent standard, I ran into the problem that my table_name and id column name combined would be longer as 64 characters.
So I used a shorter column name as the foreign key in my Intermediate Table.
Migration file:
That worked fine, yet now I would like to insert a connection
I get the error:
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'very_long_column_name_id' in 'field list' (SQL: insert into very_long_table_name
, very_long_column_name_id
) values (1, 1))
What I would want is that it would use the column short_id instead of very_long_column_name_id to insert this, is there any cool way to fix this? or do I need to insert and query the connection manually if I keep the long names?
Like @Tim points out in the comments this needs to be done in the Model VeryLongTableName.php where you define the relationship:
public function very_long_table_name() {
return $this->belongsToMany(Model::class, 'very_long_table_name', 'local_id', 'short_id');