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Change direction of outlook sent email to be from right to left in python

I want to send arabic email using python through win32com, but I want to change the direction of text to be from Right to left in the outlook like in the picture right to left direction in outlook

Is there a way to do that through the code ?

here is my code

    import win32com.client as win32
    from pathlib import Path

    dataframe1 =
    olapp = win32.Dispatch('Outlook.Application')
    olns = olapp.GetNameSpace('MAPI')

    arabic_msg_file = Path('arabic_body.txt')

    mail_item = olapp.CreateItem(0)
    mail_item.CC = ''
    mail_item.To = ''

    mail_item.BodyFormat = 1
    mail_item.Subject = 'subject'
    mail_item.Body = arabic_msg_file.read_text(encoding='utf-8')


  • To expand on what I suggested in the comments, here is one possible solution. I've replaced the reading of the text file with some dummy text lines.

    import win32com.client as wc
    ol = wc.gencache.EnsureDispatch('Outlook.Application')
    text = 'Broad is the Gate and wide the Path\n' 
    text += 'That leads man to his daily bath.\n'
    text += 'But \'ere you spend the shining hour,\n'
    text += 'With plunge and spray, with sluice and shower,\n'
    text += 'Remember, whereso\'er you be,\n'
    text += 'To shut the door and turn the key!\n'
    item = ol.CreateItem(wc.constants.olMailItem)#=0
    item.To = ''
    item.Subject = 'Test email formatting'
    item.Body = text
    item.BodyFormat = wc.constants.olFormatHTML #=2
    #Either explicitly cast to the Word Document interface
    doc = wc.CastTo(item.GetInspector.WordEditor,'_Document')
    doc.Paragraphs.ReadingOrder = wc.constants.wdReadingOrderRtl #=0
    #Or use the 'magic number' for the reading order
    #doc = item.GetInspector.WordEditor
    #doc.Paragraphs.ReadingOrder = 0

    This is what arrives at the Recipient's end:

    enter image description here


    1. I haven't found a way to be able to Send without Display-ing first. Maybe some other SO member can suggest a way? Send() throws a The parameter is incorrect exception if Display() has not been called previously.
    2. I am not a fan of 'magic numbers' replacing constants, hence I have used the gencache route for creating objects, and CastTo to generate the constants for the Word Document interface. If you want to stick with simple Dispatch() then I have included the magic numbers for the constants. Using the constants makes it easier to port VBA code to Python.

    But an alternative and simpler approach is to turn the text into HTML first:

    import win32com.client as wc
    ol = wc.gencache.EnsureDispatch('Outlook.Application')
    text = 'Broad is the Gate and wide the Path\n' 
    text += 'That leads man to his daily bath.\n'
    text += 'But \'ere you spend the shining hour,\n'
    text += 'With plunge and spray, with sluice and shower,\n'
    text += 'Remember, whereso\'er you be,\n'
    text += 'To shut the door and turn the key!\n'
    item = ol.CreateItem(wc.constants.olMailItem)#=0
    item.To = ''
    item.Subject = 'Test email formatting'
    item.BodyFormat = wc.constants.olFormatHTML #=1
    item.HTMLBody = "<p dir=RTL style='text-align:right;direction:rtl'><span dir=LTR>" + text.replace('\n','<br>') + "</span></p>"

    I am not familiar with how punctuation works in Arabic script, so you may need to play around with the HTML markup.