I am trying to join three tables, but in one of the tables I need to concat two columns for being able to do the left join.
select * from
order_dupe_check_cleaned dcc left join AAPEN_SORLIN asr
left join order_dupe_atributes oda on dcc.INTERNAL_ORDER_ID = oda.INTERNAL_ORDER_ID
and oda.product_id = --** Here I want to insert the concat statement**(select concat_ws(VLDEPT,VLSTYL)as product_id2 pi from AAPEN_SORLIN)
where dcc.order_id like '73901124'
I have used (+) instead (||) as this one was giving me duplicates, so I was trying to link the three tables by using left join however, one of the tables does not contain product_id but it has two columns (VLDEPT,VLSTYL) that together give the product_id that is why I wanted to use concat.
With strings you can concatenate simply by using ||.
Because you've already joined the fields via left join AAPEN_SORLIN asr
you should be able to access them directly.
order_dupe_check_cleaned dcc
left join AAPEN_SORLIN asr
left join order_dupe_atributes oda on dcc.INTERNAL_ORDER_ID = oda.INTERNAL_ORDER_ID
and oda.product_id = VLDEPT||VLSTYL
--** Here I want to insert the concat statement**(select concat_ws(VLDEPT,VLSTYL)as product_id2 pi from AAPEN_SORLIN)
where dcc.order_id like '73901124'