I have an app in which the user may select a SF icon from those within a LazyHGrid. I would like to add a shadow around the selected icon and remove the shadow when deselected.
Currently, the working code below may be used to scroll the available icons and select an icon by tapping. I need help changing the view to support applying shadow to the selected element.
I tried placing the same image() and modifiers within the button action but got a Xcode warning that the ZStack initializer is unused. I also tried adding a shadow modifier to the view changing the shadow parameters with state properties set in the button action area. This applied shadow to all elements in LazyHGrid. I want the shadow applied only to the selected element.
struct ImageStore: Identifiable, Hashable {
var iconName: String
var id: Int
struct ContentView: View {
let rows = [
let colors: [Color] = [.green, .red, .yellow, .blue]
let imageName = [
ImageStore(iconName: "a.square.fill", id: 0),
ImageStore(iconName: "b.square.fill", id: 1),
ImageStore(iconName: "c.square.fill", id: 2),
ImageStore(iconName: "d.square.fill", id: 3),
ImageStore(iconName: "e.square.fill", id: 4),
ImageStore(iconName: "f.square.fill", id: 5),
ImageStore(iconName: "g.square.fill", id: 6),
@State private var selectedIcon: Int = 0
var body: some View {
VStack {
ScrollView (.horizontal) {
LazyHGrid( rows: rows, spacing: 20) {
ForEach(imageName, id: \.self) { image in
Button( action: {
selectedIcon = image.id
print("image name = \(image.iconName)")
print("id = \(image.id)")
print("selectedIcon = \(selectedIcon)")
Image(systemName: image.iconName)
.background(colors[image.id % colors.count])
Perhaps I'm not understanding your question fully, but it should be as simple as using the .shadow
modifier with a ternary expression, e.g.
.shadow(radius: selectedIcon == image.id ? 5 : 0)
to make sure the image doesn't have it's own shadow in addition to the background, add a .drawingGroup
modifier, e.g
Button {
selectedIcon = image.id
} label: {
Image(systemName: image.iconName)
.background(colors[image.id % colors.count])
.shadow(radius: selectedIcon == image.id ? 5 : 0)