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Testing an array of structures in mxunit

What is the best way to test a function that returns an array of structres in mxunit? Right now i'm doing something like this:

var actual = variables.pbj.getFunctions();  //returns [{name="getAccountNumber", value="0"},{name="getAccountName", value=""}]
var found = false;

//look for get account number
for(var i = 1; i lte arrayLen(actual); i ++){
    if(structKeyExists(actual[i],"name") && actual[i].name eq "getAccountNumber"){
        found = true;

if(NOT found){
    fail("Struct key getAccountNumber didn't exist");

    found = false;

//look for account name
for(var i = 1;i lte arrayLen(actual); i ++){
    if(structKeyExists(actual[i],"name") && actual[i].name eq "getAccountName"){
        found = true;

if(NOT found){
    fail("Struct key getAccountName didn't exist");

This feels somewhat kludgy and fragile. Anybody know of a better way?


  • This is what I would do:

    var actual = variables.pbj.getFunctions();  //returns [{name="getAccountNumber", value="0"},{name="getAccountName", value=""}]
    for (thisStruct in actual) {
        if(NOT structKeyExists(thisStruct,"name") || neq "getAccountNumber"){
            fail("Struct key getAccountNumber didn't exist");
        if(NOT structKeyExists(thisStruct,"name") || neq "getAccountName"){
            fail("Struct key getAccountName didn't exist");