I have a some scripts and, when ı was run manually the scripts were run. But
When working in crontab, the format is incorrect.
This is for a new Linux server
awk 'BEGIN{
print "<HTML>""<table border="1" border="3" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4" bgcolor=lightblue><TH>Firma</TH><TH>Charged Party No</TH><TH>Pcom Status</TH>"
printf "<TR>"
printf "<TD>%s</TD>",$i
print "</TR>"
print "</TABLE></BODY></HTML>"
' /app/ovocontrol/cp_not_found2.txt > file.html
sed -i "s/failure/<font color="red">failure<\/font>/g;s/success/<font color="green">success<\/font>/g" file.html
echo "To: **********"
echo "Subject: Son 10 Dakikaya ait Toplu SMS CUDB Hata Detayi"
echo "Content-Type: text/html"
cat file.html
) | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t
I have a some scripts and, when ı was run manually the scripts were run. But
When working in crontab, the format is incorrect.
I solved problem other way , "awk '!seen[$0]++'" command incorrect my format. the code was actually a short portion of the code. I think crontab has a special settings.