I have a table called resources
and a user/role called public_anonymous
... and as far as I can tell, the user doesn't have INSERT
permissions on that table. Here's DBeaver showing as much:
And here's the output of \z resources
(at the psql
command line):
Schema | Name | Type | Access privileges | Column privileges | Policies
public | resources | table | admin=arwdDxt/admin +| | select_resources (r):
| | | public_postgraphile=arwd/admin+| | (u): true
| | | public_anonymous=r/admin +| | update_resources (w):
| | | public_admin_user=arwd/admin +| | (u): (( SELECT resource_authors.user_id
| | | public_user=ar/admin +| | FROM resource_authors
| | | =a/admin | | WHERE ((resource_authors.resource_id = resource_authors.resource_id) AND (resource_authors.user_id = (NULLIF(current_setting('jwt.claims.person_id'::text, true), ''::text))::integer))) IS NOT NULL)+
| | | | | to: public_user
| | | | | delete_resources (d):
| | | | | (u): (( SELECT resource_authors.user_id
| | | | | FROM resource_authors
| | | | | WHERE ((resource_authors.resource_id = resource_authors.resource_id) AND (resource_authors.user_id = (NULLIF(current_setting('jwt.claims.per
son_id'::text, true), ''::text))::integer))) IS NOT NULL)+
| | | | | to: public_user
The key part of that is:
ie. the role has only been granted read ("r") permissions by the admin
Furthermore, I have repeatedly tried to remove INSERT
permissions by running:
REVOKE INSERT ON resources FROM public_anonymous;
Nevertheless, when I tried using pgTAP to verify my permissions, I was surprised to find that it reported that the user did have INSERT
permissions. When I asked the maintainer why it thought that, he explained that it used the pg_catalog.has_table_privilege
function ... and sure enough, when I ran:
select pg_catalog.has_table_privilege('public_anonymous', 'resources', 'INSERT');
I saw:
I'm not a Postgres expert, so forgive me if this is a dumb question. Also I should note that I have been using both GRANT
statements and row-level security policies on this table ...
... but still, I don't understand why multiple sources all say the user doesn't have INSERT
permissions, AND I explicitly REVOKE
-ed them ... yet pg_catalog.has_table_privilege
still thinks I do have the permission.
Can anyone explain what's going on, and possibly how I might remove this permission (for good)?
This ACL item
means that PUBLIC
(that is, everyone) has INSERT
privileges on the relation. REVOKE
that if you don't want it.