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Error using "MSForms.Control" type of variable

I have been trying to run this code to get the caption of each control (a combobox in this example) on my form. But it keeps telling me "type mismatch". Please help. Thank you.

Private Sub Command266_Click()
    Dim ctrl As MSForms.Control
    Dim x As Long
    x = 0
    For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
        Select Case True
        Case TypeOf ctrl Is MSForms.ComboBox
        MsgBox "control caption is" & ctrl.Caption, vbOKOnly, " test"
        End Select
    Next ctrl
End Sub


  • "MS Access forms" are not "MSForms". MSForms is a separate UI technology that can be used, for example, to create UI windows for Excel.

    You need to use the types Access.Control and Access.ComboBox instead. Unless you messed around with the order of references, you can just refer to them as Control and ComboBox.

    In addition, ComboBox controls in Access don't have a Caption property. If you want to get the caption of the label associated with the combobox, you can use the Controls(0) property.

    Thus, the following code should work:

    Dim ctrl As Control
    Dim lbl As Label
    For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
        Select Case True
            Case TypeOf ctrl Is ComboBox
                Set lbl = ctrl.Controls(0)
                MsgBox "control caption is " & lbl.Caption, vbOKOnly, "test"
        End Select
    Next ctrl