What is wrong with this function? When I use 31 for exp
, this function becomes an infinite loop! How can I fix that? Please help and optimize this function for me if you can, thanks.
public function exp_calc($exp)
$level2 = 30; // Required EXP for 2nd level
$current_lvl = 0; // Current level
$level = 0; // Required EXP for next level
while((int)$level <= $exp)
$level += $level2;
$level2 *= 0.25;
if($current_lvl >= 80)
$current_lvl = 80;
return array ($current_lvl, (int)$level);
$level2 *= 0.25;
1 2 3
30 7.5 1.125
I assume you mean *= 1.25 there, to increase the amount of experience needed for the next level exponentially :).
The current function limits somewhere below 40 I think (get some calculus to calculate the limit ;)).
Edit; to clearify (since I though it wasn't yet):
level one requires 30 exp total now; level two requires 7.5 additional exp; total of 37.5 level three requires 1.125 exp; total of 38.625 etc.
When using *= 1.25; the amount of exp needed to reach the next level actually increases:
30 -> 37.5 -> 46.875 -> 58.594 -> etc