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python: cumulative density plot

I have the following dataframe:

df = 
   Time_to_event  event
0         0 days    443
1         1 days    226
2         2 days    162
3         3 days     72
4         4 days     55
5         5 days     30
6         6 days     36
7         7 days     18
8         8 days     15
9         9 days     14
10       10 days     21
11       11 days     13
12       12 days     10
13       13 days     10
14       14 days      8

I want to produce a cumulative density plot of the sum of the events per days. For example 0 days 443, 1 days = 443 + 226 etc.

I am currently trying this code:

    stat = "count"  # or proportion
    sns.histplot(df, stat=stat, cumulative=True, alpha=.4)

but I come up with a pretty terrible plot: enter image description here

If I could also come up with a line instead of bars that would be awesome!


  • You can try a combo of pandas.Series.cumsum and seaborn.lineplot :

    df["cumsum"] = df["event"].cumsum()
    sns.lineplot(x="Time_to_event", y="cumsum", data=df);

    Output :

    enter image description here