I have a custom .gitmessage
. It is defined in the git config. I've added a ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/gitcommit.vim
to redefine a couple of things in the plugin (in support of Conventional Commits), e.g., textwidth
My .gitmessage
looks something like this:
# Commit messages should follow the Conventional Commits Specification
# <type>(<optional scope>): <imperative subject>
# empty separator line
# <optional body>
# empty separator line
# <optional footer>
# API relevant changes || perf commits improve performance
# feat commits add a new feature || revert commit, well, revert a previous
# fix commits fix a bug || commit
where I provide an ASCII "ruler" for 100 chars (though the VIM filetype plugin config autowraps to the textwidth
per my customization, &tc.
However, I would like to colorize the conventional commit sample and the type keywords, e.g., feat, fix, perf, &tc.
I've tried most of standard ASCII escape codes in the .gitmessage
, e.g., \\e[1;30m
, ^[1;30m
(Ctrl-V, esc), and \033[1;30m
. Alas, they all just get dumped to the vim editor—it makes sense that vim would make sure that these codes are editable—but gitcommit.vim
does colorize the diff in git commit --all --verbose
This appears to be, maybe, a function of shellescape
(see :h shellescape
in vim). I see this used in some of the filetype plugins, but I'm not a plugin hacker.
Any pointers?
Vim doesn't care about your escape codes.
A quick and dirty method would be to use :help :match
or :help matchadd()
in your custom ftplugin:
But the real solution is to create your own syntax script, following the instructions under :help usr_44
. See $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/gitcommit.vim
for a start.