I'm trying to store an image into a database as a BLOB
. So I need to serialize and deserialize it after retrieving back from DB. Testing out serializing/deserializing steps without DB works fine but deserializing the data from DB not. I've tried many different ways like the 3 shown, with as.data.frame
and many more. Problem occurs with MariaDB and SQLite as well. Datatype in DB is BLOB
for SQlite and LONGBLOB
for MariaDB. So I don't think this has anything to do with the used database as long as the type is BLOB
. Thx for any help.
# 1. Loading image + serializing it
pb <- readBin(paste0("S:\\File.png"), what="raw", size = NA_integer_, endian = .Platform$endian, n=1e6)
pbSer <- serialize(pb, NULL)
# 2. Storing it in DB (Code is for MariaDB)
query <- paste0("REPLACE INTO Images (Name, Image) VALUES ", "(\"", "pbSer", "\", \"", list(pbSer), "\")")
dbExecute(con, query)
# 3. Retrieving data
rows <- dbGetQuery(con, paste0("SELECT * FROM Images WHERE Name = \"pbSer\""))
# 4. Unlisting and deserializing
pb2Ser <- unlist(rows$Image)
pb2 <- unserialize(pb2Ser, NULL) # -> Error in unserialize(pb2Ser, NULL) : unknown input format
# Two more versions I've tried
pb2Ser <- as.raw(unlist(rows$Image))
pb2 <- unserialize(pb2Ser, NULL) # -> Error in unserialize(pb2Ser, NULL) : unknown input format
pb2Ser = as.raw(as.integer(paste0('0x', pb2Ser)))
pb2 <- unserialize(pb2Ser, NULL) # -> Error in unserialize(pb2Ser, NULL) : unknown input format
This worked for me (MariaDB):
con = dbConnect(
RMariaDB::MariaDB(), dbname="test", username = "root")
# CREATE TABLE Images (Name VARCHAR(256) not null primary key, Image LONGBLOB);
pb <- readBin(paste0("C:\\path\\to\\setosa.png"),
what="raw", size = NA_integer_, endian = .Platform$endian, n=1e6)
pbSer <- serialize(pb, NULL)
# 2. Storing it in DB (Code is for MariaDB)
query <- paste0("REPLACE INTO Images (Name, Image) VALUES (?, ?)")
dbExecute(con, query, params = list("pbSer", list(pbSer)))
# 3. Retrieving data
rows <- dbGetQuery(con, paste0("SELECT * FROM Images WHERE Name = \"pbSer\""))
# 4. Unlisting and deserializing
pb2Ser <- unlist(rows$Image)
pb2 <- unserialize(pb2Ser, NULL) # OK
writeBin(pb2, paste0("C:\\path\\to\\setosa2.png"),
endian = .Platform$endian)
# files are the same.