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How to match URL path using Google RE2 regex

Google Cloud Platform lets you create label logs using the RE2 regex engine.

How can I create a regex that matches the path in the URL?

Examples matches:                  --> "awesome"             --> "awesome/path"            --> "awesome/path"    --> "awesome/path"


  • The domain and protocol are constant, it can be assumed to be here.
  • If there are multiple directories, they should be matched too, including the / in between.
  • Trailing / should NOT be matched.
  • Queries, e.g. ?arg1=123&arg2=456 should NOT be matched.
  • It can be assumed that directory names will only contain alphanumeric characters a-zA-Z0-9, dashes - and underscores _.

Note that Google RE2 is different than PCRE2.


  • So the syntax isn't 100% clear what is supported and what isn't. Assuming (NOT SUPPORTED) VIM means it is supported but not on vim, I'd start with a negative look behind for the beginning of the url that you don't care about


    Then you want alphanumeric characters [\w\-]+ followed by non trailing / so I'd add a lookahead to verify that there are alphanumeric characters after the / with (?=\/\w+)\/

    The complete regex
