I have an array (called "attractors") which looks like this:
[['0000000000' '0.0' '0.0']
['0000000001' '0.0' '1.0']
['0000000010' '0.0' '2.0']
I want to create new array which contains all rows where the third column was 0 in the original array. I try the following:
print(attractors[attractors[: , 2] == 0][: , 0])
but I receive the following error:
json export to visualize state transition diagram with compression
- tests.py:247: FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed;
returning scalar instead, but in the
future will perform elementwise comparison
print(attractors[attractors[: , 2] == 0][: , 0])
If I put brackets on the condition, like this:
print(attractors[attractors[: , 2] == "0"][: , 0])
then the error does not appear, but the results is not what I expected (only empty brackets [])
isn't it because you have strings of format '0.0'
so maybe you should do something like this
print(attractors[attractors[: , 2] == '0.0'][: , 0])