I'm having a weird issue when deploying resources using Bicep that I'm hoping someone can share some light on.
For several resources I am deploying, I am trying to deploy with the non-preview versions of the API, for example:
resource logAnalyticsWorkspace 'Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces@2022-10-01' = {
name: name
location: location
properties: {
sku: {
name: sku
retentionInDays: logAnalyticsRetentionInDays
tags: tags
When I deploy this, it deploys succesfully, however when I check in the portal,the Log Analytics workspace has defaulted to "apiVersion": "2021-12-01-preview".
This is occurring for a few different resources such as API Management as well. Can anyone give any insight on why this occurs and if there's a way to not have it occur?
Any insight on why this occurs and if there's a way to not have it occur.
Preview versions are similar to updated versions released by the team prior to gathering feedback or verifying the functionality.
Version will be automatically set to the latest/preview version after deployment, depending on the properties/fields provided in the bicep resource type.
A few Azure Services may no longer support non-preview versions when deployed using bicep. Use Azure CLI in that case.
In the Json/parameters
file, every resource type includes a version
parameter. If required, provide the required version.
Note: I would suggest you not to use non preview versions as some of them doesn't have the updated fields & functionality.