I was working on an AWS SDK version 3 and was trying to create an AMI from an EC2 instance programmatically. The following is the script I use:
// Imports
// TODO: Import the ec2 client
const {
} = require('@aws-sdk/client-ec2')
function sendCommand (command) {
const client = new EC2Client({ region: process.env.AWS_REGION })
return client.send(command)
createImage('i-0672b492fb7f92bfd', 'hamsterImage')
.then(() => console.log('Complete'))
async function createImage (seedInstanceId, imageName) {
// TODO: Implement AMI creation
const params = {
InstanceId: seedInstanceId,
Name: imageName
const command = new CreateImageCommand(params);
return sendCommand(params);
The Instance ID was captured from the following JSON object for listing all the running instance on my code
AmiLaunchIndex: 0,
ImageId: 'ami-0b5eea76982371e91',
InstanceId: 'i-0672b492fb7f92bfd',
InstanceType: 't2.micro',
KernelId: undefined,
KeyName: 'hamster_key',
LaunchTime: 2022-12-27T03:10:12.000Z,
Monitoring: { State: 'disabled' },
Placement: {
AvailabilityZone: 'us-east-1c',
Affinity: undefined,
GroupName: '',
PartitionNumber: undefined,
HostId: undefined,
Tenancy: 'default',
SpreadDomain: undefined,
HostResourceGroupArn: undefined
Platform: undefined,
PrivateDnsName: 'ip-172-31-80-74.ec2.internal',
PrivateIpAddress: '',
ProductCodes: [],
PublicDnsName: 'ec2-54-162-64-244.compute-1.amazonaws.com',
PublicIpAddress: '',
RamdiskId: undefined,
State: { Code: 16, Name: 'running' },
StateTransitionReason: '',
SubnetId: 'subnet-09fbb143b92cb9d1b',
VpcId: 'vpc-0ba9dffc72ac05ef6',
Architecture: 'x86_64',
BlockDeviceMappings: [ [Object] ],
ClientToken: 'bd84c832-4429-482d-bdf9-323ddbb8cad4',
EbsOptimized: false,
EnaSupport: true,
Hypervisor: 'xen',
IamInstanceProfile: undefined,
InstanceLifecycle: undefined,
ElasticGpuAssociations: undefined,
ElasticInferenceAcceleratorAssociations: undefined,
NetworkInterfaces: [ [Object] ],
OutpostArn: undefined,
RootDeviceName: '/dev/xvda',
RootDeviceType: 'ebs',
SecurityGroups: [ [Object] ],
SourceDestCheck: true,
SpotInstanceRequestId: undefined,
SriovNetSupport: undefined,
StateReason: undefined,
Tags: undefined,
VirtualizationType: 'hvm',
CpuOptions: { CoreCount: 1, ThreadsPerCore: 1 },
CapacityReservationId: undefined,
CapacityReservationSpecification: {
CapacityReservationPreference: 'open',
CapacityReservationTarget: undefined
HibernationOptions: { Configured: false },
Licenses: undefined,
MetadataOptions: {
State: 'applied',
HttpTokens: 'optional',
HttpPutResponseHopLimit: 1,
HttpEndpoint: 'enabled',
HttpProtocolIpv6: 'disabled'
EnclaveOptions: { Enabled: false },
BootMode: undefined
The error I got was
const handler = command.resolveMiddleware(this.middlewareStack, this.config, options); ^
TypeError: command.resolveMiddleware is not a function
at EC2Client.send (C:\Users\jiali\OneDrive\Desktop\aws-developer-designing-developing\03\demos\before\node_modules\@aws-sdk\smithy-client\dist\cjs\client.js:13:33)
at sendCommand (C:\Users\jiali\OneDrive\Desktop\aws-developer-designing-developing\03\demos\before\scripts\03\create-ami.js:11:17)
at createImage (C:\Users\jiali\OneDrive\Desktop\aws-developer-designing-developing\03\demo
PS C:\Users\jiali\OneDrive\Desktop\aws-developer-designing-developing\03\demos\before\scripts\03> node .\manage-ec2-instance.js
I was confused as to why, is there any error on my code?
Turns out you had the same issue I did which was accidentally forgetting to pass in the actual command object.
You use the params
to build the command object but execute sendCommand
with params
instead of command
as the parameter.
You should be executing sendCommand(command);
and not sendCommand(params);