I'm using the ListPicker from the latest Silverlight Toolkit on Mango
I've got a long list (100 items) of simple text items to choose between - using single item selection mode.
When I click on the ListPicker it opens up in full screen very nicely, but it doesn't scroll to the current selection.
This is a pain for the user - who typically wants to move from "item75" to "item76"
I've looked through the available properties, events and source code, but I can't see any obvious way to get the list to scroll the current selected item into list when the full screen mode opens.
Anyone got any ideas?
There didn't seem to be a way to do this with the current release - but the code is open source.
The current release also has a disadvantage of using StackPanel instead of VirtualizingStackPanel - so it is very slow at displaying long lists.
Instead of using this release, I ended up going with a different list selector http://priyarules.posterous.com/categorized-list-selector-for-windows-phone-7