I'm using the DatePicker from the Silverlight Toolkit on Mango
I want to programmatically display the date picker full mode display, but I can't see any API hook to do that at the moment.
Is this possible? or do I have to implement this myself by (intelligently) writing a new control?
Sadly Matt was right - there's no public or protected API to hack into and security prevents the use of Reflection - so I've +1'd his answer... and a full answer is:
in your DateTimePickerBase, add:
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> PopupClosedByDateSelection;
in ClosePickerPage() inside PopupClosedByDateSelection inside the if(_dateTimePickerPage.Value.HasValue)
block, add:
if (PopupClosedByDateSelection != null)
PopupClosedByDateSelection(this, EventArgs.Empty);
This seems to work for the Back button case as well as for the cancel and OK cases.