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How can I test the POST request an external webhook makes to my application?

Folks this is my scenario

There is this external webhook that I would like to test

Is there a way to use VCR or some other tool to record the POST request the webhook makes to my rails app so I can use it in Rspec to run my tests?

The webhook's body is long and very specific that's why I would like to record the request somehow

Is there a way to achieve this?

I tried Requestbin and Charles to record the request but did not manage to make them work so far


  • Assuming that when you say the problem input is "too long and too specific" what you mean is that it would be inconvenient to construct it inside a test: a simple solution is to put the post body into a separate file.

    You can save an example POST body as a file under test/ or spec/ and then read it and post to your app in a request spec:

      params: JSON.parse( # assuming the post body is JSON 
    # expect/assert some things about the effects/response of the request

    In the docs you will see that you can also add headers, so it should be possible to construct the exact request.