Search code examples

Action to redirect users to URL

Could you tell me how to create an action in the admin site that will redirect users to a certain URL? That is, in the admin site a user chooses this action and finds themselves on Google.

def google(modeladmin, request, queryset):
    I myself write some code here to prevent Django from asking users to select an object.

    URL = ""

    ... Here goes the code to redirect the user to URL ...

class SemanticsCorePhrasesAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    actions = [google, ]


  • To redirect a user to a URL in the Django admin site, you can use the redirect function from django.shortcuts.

    from django.shortcuts import redirect
    def google(modeladmin, request, queryset):
    """I myself write some code here to prevent Django from asking users to select an object.
        URL = ""
        return redirect(URL)
    class SemanticsCorePhrasesAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
        actions = [google, ]

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