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How to get proper feature importance information when using categorical feature in h2O

When I have categorical features in my dataset, h20 implies one-hot encoding and start the training process. When I call summary method to see the feature importance tho, it treats each encoded categorical feature as a feature. My question is that how can I get the feature importance information for the original features?

#import libraries
import pandas as pd
import h2o
import random
from h2o.estimators.glm import H2OGeneralizedLinearEstimator

#initiate h20
h2o.init(ip ='localhost')   

#load a fake data
training_data = h2o.import_file("")

#Spesifcy the predictors (x) and the response (y). I add a dummy categorical column named "0"
myPredictors = ["abs.C1.", "abs.C2.", "abs.C3.", "abs.C4.", "abs.C5.", '0']
myResponse = "resp"

#add a dummy column consisting of random string values
train = h2o.as_list(training_data)
train = pd.concat([train, pd.DataFrame(random.choices(['ya','ne','agh','c','de'],  k=len(training_data)))], axis=1)
train = h2o.H2OFrame(train)

#define linear regression method
def linearRegression(df, predictors, response):
    model = H2OGeneralizedLinearEstimator(family="gaussian",  lambda_ = 0, standardize = True)
    model.train(x=predictors, y=response, training_frame=df)

linearRegression(train, myPredictors, myResponse)   

Once I run the model, here's the summary of feature importance reported by h20.

Variable Importances: 
variable    relative_importance scaled_importance   percentage
0   abs.C5. 1.508031    1.000000    0.257004
1   abs.C4. 1.364653    0.904924    0.232569
2   abs.C3. 1.158184    0.768011    0.197382
3   abs.C2. 0.766653    0.508380    0.130656
4   abs.C1. 0.471997    0.312989    0.080440
5    0.275667    0.182799    0.046980
6    0.210085    0.139311    0.035803
7   0.ya    0.078100    0.051789    0.013310
8   0.c 0.034353    0.022780    0.005855

Is there a method that I'd get the feature importance for column 0. Note that in real, I have way more categorical feature, this is just a MWE.


  • As mentioned in the comments, there are several problems with this approach overall, the main of which is that importances are a tricky matter even with standard analysis, and further complicating things is likely to produce misleading results. One-hot encoding is not too problematic with GLMs, but it could be with, say, RFs. With that out of the way...

    Given a dataframe (which model.summary seemingly produces):

    import pandas as pd
    df = pd.DataFrame([
        ['abs.C5.', 1.508031, 1.000000, 0.257004],
        ['abs.C4.', 1.364653, 0.904924, 0.232569],
        ['abs.C3.', 1.158184, 0.768011, 0.197382],
        ['abs.C2.', 0.766653, 0.508380, 0.130656],
        ['abs.C1.', 0.471997, 0.312989, 0.080440],
        ['', 0.275667, 0.182799, 0.046980],
        ['', 0.210085, 0.139311, 0.035803],
        ['0.ya', 0.078100, 0.051789, 0.013310],
        ['0.c', 0.034353, 0.022780, 0.005855],
    ], columns=['variable', 'relative_importance', 'scaled_importance', 'percentage'])
    #   variable    relative_importance scaled_importance   percentage  orig
    # 0 abs.C5. 1.508031    1.000000    0.257004    abs
    # 1 abs.C4. 1.364653    0.904924    0.232569    abs
    # 2 abs.C3. 1.158184    0.768011    0.197382    abs
    # 3 abs.C2. 0.766653    0.508380    0.130656    abs
    # 4 abs.C1. 0.471997    0.312989    0.080440    abs
    # 5    0.275667    0.182799    0.046980    0
    # 6    0.210085    0.139311    0.035803    0
    # 7 0.ya    0.078100    0.051789    0.013310    0
    # 8 0.c 0.034353    0.022780    0.005855    0

    You can add an artificial column for groupby and then aggregate (sum):

    df['original_variable'] = df['variable'].apply(lambda x: x.split('.')[0])
    # orig
    # 0      0.101948
    # abs    0.898051
    # Name: percentage, dtype: float64

    Or do it in one line so not to alter the dataframe, to the same effect:

    df.groupby(df['variable'].apply(lambda x: x.split('.')[0]))['percentage'].sum()