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How can I rewrite s domain name to the original IDN not the punycode?

I have bought an IDN domain name with non-latin characters. It is good but when I access the domain name, the address bar shows the punycode for the domain not the actual domain which will be hard for any user to remember.

Is there is anyway I can rewrite the domain name to the original IDN not the punycode?

example: IDN = افلاماونلاين.com

punycode that show in address bar =


  • The way that address bar is displayed is dependent on browser, its version, and possibly the used locale:

    • regardless of the locale, I see افلاماونلاين.com in Opera 11
    • I see in Firefox 6 and Chrome 14 in my default locale (cs_CZ)
    • however, when I set locale to ar in Chrome, it shows the original version of the IDN (like Opera)
    • IE6 dies a horrible death (as expected)
    • IE7 shows the punycoded version
    • IE8 shows the punycoded version + an information button listing both versions

    So, I'm afraid that there's not much that you can do about this as the site owner, unfortunately.