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Jinja2 & Ansible - Loop over lines in several text files

I'm using Ansible to retrieve a list of website we host over 50+ servers. I'm using a SQL query to store in a text file named as hostname_websites.txt using Ansible.

The next step is to build a prometheus (blackbox exporter) configuration file using that data. Each line of each text file represent an URL. For the sake of representation I'll declare that the URL is $URL and the hostname is $HOSTNAME.

I need some jinja2 magic to generate a single yaml file as :

{% for site in *** each text file *** %}
      - targets: ['{{ $URL }}']
        labels: {'node': '{{ $HOSTNAME }}'}
{% endfor %}

Given that in the end I need to have a config line containing each time the URL which is a line in text file, and the hostname as a label which is in the txt filename.

Every hostname is in a group called production in Ansible, so I tried looping over that group using jinja2 as follow:

{% for host in group['production'] %}
{{ lookup('file', '{{ host }}_websites.txt).splitlines()' }}
{% endfor %}

That gave me some jinja2 parsing error, as if it wasn't rendering the for loop at all. I stopped here, in the spirit that I would build by configuration skel around this statement.


  • There are two problems with your template that jump out immediately:

    1. There is no variable group in Ansible (unless you've created one explicitly); you probably want groups.

    2. You never nest Jinja {{...}} markers. If you want to generate a string containing a variable value, you can use string concatenation:

      lookup('file', host ~ '_websites.txt')

      Or string formatting:

      lookup('file', '%s_websites.txt' % host)

    Assuming that our inventory has a host node0 in the group production and that there exists a file node0_websites.txt with the following content:

    Then running this playbook:

    - hosts: localhost
      gather_facts: false
        - copy:
            dest: output.txt
            content: |
              {% for host in groups['production'] %}
              # Host: {{ host }}
              {% for url in lookup('file', host ~ '_websites.txt').splitlines() %}
              - {{ url }}
              {% endfor %}
              {% endfor %}

    Generates the following content in output.txt:

    # Host: node0