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How to generate a large prime via cryptography provider?

I want to generate a 2048-bit prime number via the buildin cryptography provider in Powershell. This is the code I have so far, but testing the result via Rabin-Miller Test is telling me, that the number is NOT prime. What is wrong here?

$rsa = [System.Security.Cryptography.RSA]::Create(2048)
$format = [System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyBlobFormat]::GenericPrivateBlob
$bytes = $rsa.Key.Export($format)

[bigint]$prime = 0
foreach($b in $bytes) {$prime = ($prime -shl 8) + $b}

This link tells me, that the BLOB should contain both RSA primes, but for any reason I am not able to get that info as expected:


  • Finally I solved it after digging a bit deeper into the generic BLOB-format. The learning point here is the fact, that a 4096 RSA key includes two 2048-bit primes. One is on the last 256 bytes in the BLOB and the other prime is in the 256 bytes in front of that.

    Here is the working code:

    # generating two random 2048-bit PRIME numbers:
    $rsa = [System.Security.Cryptography.RSA]::Create(4096)
    $key = $rsa.Key.Export('PRIVATEBLOB')
    $len = $key.Length
    $Pb = [byte[]]::new(256+1)
    [array]::Copy($key, $len-512, $Pb, 1, 256)
    $P = [bigint]$Pb
    write-host $P
    # optionally same for the second prime in the BLOB:
    $Qb = [byte[]]::new(256+1)
    [array]::Copy($key, $len-256, $Qb, 1, 256)
    $Q = [bigint]$Qb
    write-host $Q
    # optionally here the Test-Function:
    function Is-PrimeRabinMiller ([BigInt] $Source, [int] $Iterate)  {
        if ($source -eq 2 -or $source -eq 3) {return $true}
        if (($source -band 1) -eq 0) {return $false}
        [BigInt]$d = $source - 1;
        $s = 0;
        while (($d -band 1) -eq 0) {$d = $d -shr 1; $s++;}
        if ($source.ToByteArray().Length -gt 255) {
            $sourceLength = 255
        else {
            $sourceLength = $source.ToByteArray().Length
        $rngProv = [System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider]::Create()
        [Byte[]] $bytes = $sourceLength 
        [BigInt]$a = 0
        foreach ($i in 1..$iterate) {          
            do {
                $a = [BigInt]$bytes            
            } while (($a -lt 2) -or ($a -ge ($source - 2)))                              
            [BigInt]$x = ([BigInt]::ModPow($a,$d,$source))
            if ($x -eq 1 -or ($x -eq $source-1)) {continue}
            foreach ($j in 1..($s-1)) {            
                $x = [BigInt]::ModPow($x, 2, $source)
                if ($x -eq 1) {return $false}
                if ($x -eq $source-1) {break}
            return $false
        return $true
    if (Is-PrimeRabinMiller $P 42) {"P is prime!"}
    if (Is-PrimeRabinMiller $Q 42) {"Q is prime!"}

    Also I created a small function based on the above findings, that generates a random large prime numer:

    function get-RandomPrime {
        Param (
            [ValidateRange(256, 8192)]
            [ValidateScript({$_ % 8 -eq 0})]
        $rsa = [System.Security.Cryptography.RSA]::Create($bitLength*2)
        $key = $rsa.Key.Export('PRIVATEBLOB')
        $len = $key.Length
        $byteLength = [int]$bitLength/8
        $bytes = [byte[]]::new($byteLength+1)
        [array]::Copy($key, $len-$byteLength, $bytes, 1, $byteLength)
    $prime = get-RandomPrime -bitLength 2048
    write-host "`nprime (DEC):" $prime
    write-host "`nprime (HEX):" $prime.ToString('X2').SubString(1)