I am trying to get data of 2 columns (B, C) from one spreadsheet and paste it into another spreadsheet. It was working perfectly before yesterday. But for the past 2 days the script is running out of time and crashing without copying values. Sometimes it runs successfully but only gets the first 1000 rows of a total of 12000 rows of data. Here is the script:
function importRangeV1(sourceURL, sourceRange, destinationURL, sheetName){
var sourceSS = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(sourceURL);
var sourceRng = sourceSS.getRange(sourceRange)
var sourceVals = sourceRng.getValues();
var destinationSS = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(destinationURL);
var destSheet = destinationSS.getSheetByName(sheetName);
var destRange = destSheet.getRange(1,1,sourceVals.length,sourceVals[0].length);
Now the following 2 statements in the above code are similar in terms of working:
var sourceSS = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(sourceURL);
var destinationSS = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(destinationURL);
However, the issue arises in this statement:
var destinationSS = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(destinationURL);
This statement takes so much time that the script throws the following error:
“Service Spreadsheets timed out while accessing spreadsheet with id [spreadsheet id here]”
Here is the link to the destinationURL
Here is how I run this script in the sheet:
I found this question somewhat similar to my issue but it does not address openByUrl() or openById(), any help in this regard would be much appreciated.
It seems your sheet is heavily loaded with formulas or data which is the main cause of this issue, I had the same issue with one of my sheets so how about this one for a solution:
function importRangeV1(sourceURL, sourceRange, destinationURL, sheetName){
var sourceId = sourceURL.match(/\/d\/(.+)\//)[1]; //extract id from url
var destId = destinationURL.match(/\/d\/(.+)\//)[1]; //extract id from url
var any = {};
var srcValues = Sheets.Spreadsheets.Values.get(sourceId, sourceRange).values;
Sheets.Spreadsheets.Values.update({values: srcValues}, destId, sheetName, {valueInputOption: "USER_ENTERED"});
This script uses Sheets API instead of openByUrl()
to access the required sheet and put the data in the specified range. Test it and let me know.