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How to add a numerator to each sub-collection of a multilevel collection?

I have this collection

    [Name:John, City:London],
    [Name:Rachel, City:Paris]

I want to add a numerator to each sub-collection so that the result will be

    [Number:1, Name:John, City:London],
    [Number:2, Name:Rachel, City:Paris]

I know of eachWithIndex() but it adds the numerator outside of the subcollection.

I would appreciate any idea.



  • Essentially a one-liner:

    def list = [     [Name:'John', City:'London'],     [Name:'Rachel', City:'Paris'] ]
    def res = list.indexed().collect{ num, v -> v + [ Number:num + 1 ] }
    assert res.toString() == '[[Name:John, City:London, Number:1], [Name:Rachel, City:Paris, Number:2]]'