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df to table throw error TypeError: __init__() got multiple values for argument 'schema'

I have dataframe in pandas :- purchase_df. I want to convert it to sql table so I can perform sql query in pandas. I tried this method

purchase_df.to_sql('purchase_df', con=engine, if_exists='replace', index=False)

It throw an error

TypeError: __init__() got multiple values for argument 'schema'

I have dataframe name purchase_df and I need to perform sql query on it. I need to perform sql query on this dataframe like this ....engine.execute('''select * from purchase_df where condition'''). For this I need to convert dataframe into sql table as in our server pandas_sql is not installed only sql alchemy is installed.

I ran this code in pycharm locally and it work perfectly fine but when i tried this in databrick notebook it is showing an error. Even though week ago it was running fine in databrick notebook too. Help me to fix this.

note:- pandas version '1.3.4' Name: SQLAlchemy Version: 2.0.0


  • It seems that the version 2.0.0 (realeased on January 26, 2023) of SQLAlchemy is not compatible with earlier versions of . I suggest you to upgrade your pandas version to the latest (version 1.5.3) with :

    pip install --upgrade pandas


    conda upgrade pandas