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Can I write to a file through the Logitech Lua api?

The reason I want to do this is because I am trying to light a single key through a script. I want to invoke the script through Logitech lua api. the functionality will act as a feedback response. fx I have create a macro for the G1 button and I want to light that specific button when the macro is active and turn it off when it isn't. My solution is that I have created a C# script that repeatedly looks in a text file. If the text file has written "on" in it, it turns on the LED etc. now I just need a way to update the text file through the logitech Lua API. but it does not seem as I am allowed to write to a file.

I have tried with the following code to write to the text file:

file ="D:\\creative\\programming\\C#\\logi\\test.txt", "w")

but without any luck as I get the error message:

[string "LuaVM"]:35: attempt to index a nil value (global 'io') Line Number:1

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let say that I have actions inside applications in parenthesis and actions without effect in italic: assume it is off to begin: the "->" acts as a g1 press and shows the sate of the toggle after:

-> on -> off

-> (on) -> (on) -> on ========> -> on -> off -> on

because the g1 presses while the loop is running and the application window is focused are queued and will only take effect while outside the application


  • io library is absent, so you can not write to a file from Lua code.
    But you can execute external program (for example, any exe-file) by creating a macro (of type "shortcut") and invoking it with PlayMacro(macro_name) from Lua code.
    Just write the external program in C#.