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Type checking error: error: "HttpRequest" has no attribute "tenant"

I am creating a Django application which is multi-tenanted. The custom middleware I use attaches a tenant object to the request.

My issue is when type checking, my views are not aware of extra attribute on the HttpRequest class.

I have tried creating a TenantHttpClass which extends HttpRequest and adds the tenant attribute.

Edit: Forgot to say I am using mypy to type check.

How do I make my views aware of this. My code is below:


from typing import Type

from django.db import connection
from django.http import Http404
from django.utils.deprecation import MiddlewareMixin

from apps.tenants.custom_request import TenantHttpRequest as HttpRequest
from apps.tenants.models import Domain, Tenant
from apps.tenants.utils import get_public_schema_name, get_tenant_domain_model, remove_www
from vastdesk import settings

class TenantMainMiddleware(MiddlewareMixin):
    TENANT_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION: Type[Http404] = Http404
    This middleware should be placed at the very top of the middleware stack.
    Selects the proper database schema using the request host. Can fail in
    various ways which is better than corrupting or revealing data.

    def hostname_from_request(request: HttpRequest) -> str:
        """Extracts hostname from request. Used for custom requests filtering.
        By default removes the request's port and common prefixes.
        return remove_www(request.get_host().split(":")[0])

    def get_tenant(self, domain_model: Domain, hostname: str) -> Tenant:
        domain = domain_model.objects.select_related("tenant").get(domain=hostname)
        return domain.tenant

    def process_request(self, request: HttpRequest) -> None:
        # Connection needs first to be at the public schema, as this is where
        # the tenant metadata is stored.

        hostname = self.hostname_from_request(request)

        domain_model = get_tenant_domain_model()
            tenant = self.get_tenant(domain_model, hostname)
        except domain_model.DoesNotExist:
            self.no_tenant_found(request, hostname)

        tenant.domain_url = hostname
        request.tenant = tenant

    def no_tenant_found(self, request: HttpRequest, hostname: str) -> None:
        """What should happen if no tenant is found.
        This makes it easier if you want to override the default behavior"""
        if (
            hasattr(settings, "SHOW_PUBLIC_IF_NO_TENANT_FOUND")
            and settings.SHOW_PUBLIC_IF_NO_TENANT_FOUND
            self.setup_url_routing(request=request, force_public=True)
            raise self.TENANT_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION('No tenant for hostname "%s"' % hostname)

    def setup_url_routing(request: HttpRequest, force_public: bool = False) -> None:
        Sets the correct url conf based on the tenant
        :param request:
        :param force_public

        # Do we have a public-specific urlconf?
        if hasattr(settings, "PUBLIC_SCHEMA_URLCONF") and (
            force_public or request.tenant.schema_name == get_public_schema_name()
            request.urlconf = settings.PUBLIC_SCHEMA_URLCONF

from typing import Union, TYPE_CHECKING
from django.http import HttpRequest

    from apps.tenants.models import Tenant

class TenantHttpRequest(HttpRequest):
    tenant: Union["Tenant", None]

from typing import Any, Dict
from django.views.generic import TemplateView

from apps.tenants.models import Tenant as Realm
from apps_tenants.ticket_system.models import Ticket

class StaffDashboardView(TemplateView):
    template_name = "dashboard/dash-staff/dash.html"

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        context = super(StaffDashboardView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        context["logo_url"] = Realm.objects.get(
        context["profile_image_url"] = ""
        context["tickets"] = Ticket.objects.all()
        return context

class CustomerDashboardView(TemplateView):
    template_name = "dashboard/dash-customer/dash.html"

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        context = super(CustomerDashboardView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        context["logo_url"] = Realm.objects.get(
        context["profile_image_url"] = ""
        context["tickets"] = Ticket.objects.all()
        return context


  • Turns out this was actually extremely easy to fix and just need this adding to my

    from typing import Any, Dict
    from django.views.generic import TemplateView
    from apps.tenants.models import Tenant as Realm
    from apps_tenants.ticket_system.models import Ticket
    class StaffDashboardView(TemplateView):
        template_name = "dashboard/dash-staff/dash.html"
        request: TenantHttpRequest
        def get_context_data(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
            context = super(StaffDashboardView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
            context["logo_url"] = Realm.objects.get(
            context["profile_image_url"] = ""
            context["tickets"] = Ticket.objects.all()
            return context