I have a list of dataframes and I would like to apply a text mining command (namely removing punctuation) to every dataframe within my list of dataframes. Since I have more than 1k dataframes/documents within my list I should do it with a for loop/apply function.
corpus$df_19970207 <- tm_map(corpus$df_19970207, removePunctuation)
corpus$df_19970310 <- tm_map(corpus$df_19970310, removePunctuation)
... and so on.
corpus would be my list of data frames and df_xxx the respective data frame.
What would be the easiest way to do this? I know I did not provide a repex but I feel like my question is so trivial..
Many thanks in advance!
We may use lapply
corpus2 <- lapply(corpus, function(x) tmp_map(x, removePunctuation))