I am using the getDividends function from the quantmod package in R to bring in dividends for a list of companies. I have this list I want to retrieve dividends for, stored as:
stocks <- c("AAPL", "MMM", "CAT", "MSFT", "TSLA")
When running getDividends on a single ticker:
It gives a result looking like this:
I tried to write a function to do the above step for all the tickers in my list:
dividends_list <- sapply(stocks, function(x) try(getDividends(x, auto.assign = FALSE)))
From here, I'd like to convert that list to a dataframe, and be able to get the rownames as well that store the date the dividend was issued.
Hoping for a dataframe output something like this:
date ticker dividend
2022-11-04 AAPL 0.23
2022-08-05 AAPL 0.23
2022-11-17 MMM 1.49
2022-08-19 MMM 1.49
2023-01-19 CAT 1.20
2022-10-21 CAT 1.20
A suggestion with tidyquant
stocks <- c("AAPL", "MMM", "CAT", "MSFT", "TSLA")
tq_get(stocks, get = "dividends") %>%
group_by(symbol) %>%
slice_tail(n = 2)
# A tibble: 8 × 3
# Groups: symbol [4]
symbol date value
<chr> <date> <dbl>
1 AAPL 2022-08-05 0.23
2 AAPL 2022-11-04 0.23
3 CAT 2022-10-21 1.2
4 CAT 2023-01-19 1.2
5 MMM 2022-08-19 1.49
6 MMM 2022-11-17 1.49
7 MSFT 2022-08-17 0.62
8 MSFT 2022-11-16 0.68