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Import of SQL Dump

From the below extract of data I am trying to view out only the items in bold, is there a way to do this? The specific section of the file of this is important which is why the 'into .db. values' is important - also assume I do NOT know the actual value of these

 grep "INTO .db. VALUES" ./anikokiss_mysql4.sql

INSERT INTO db VALUES ('localhost','blog','yscr_bbYcqN','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','N','N','N','N'),('localhost','blog1','yscr_bbS4kf','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','N','N','N','N'),('localhost','blog','yscr_bbhrSZ','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','N','N','N','N'),('localhost','blog','yscr_bbBl0C','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','N','N','N','N'),('localhost','blog','yscr_bbrsKX','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','N','N','N','N');

Result of

cut -d',' -f2 <(awk '/.*INTO .?db.? VALUES.*/,/.*;/{if (NR > 2) nr[NR]}; NR in nr' ./anikokiss_mysql4.sql)



As such it appears to only pick the first batch of command seperated values and ignore those after

Similarly with grep command

grep "INTO .db. VALUES" ./anikokiss_mysql4.sql | cut -d "'" -f4

We get the result


When I was updating DB names

find . -name '*.sql' -exec sed -i "s/\\(CREATE DATABASE [^\`]*\`\\)/\\1${cpuser}_/" {} +

Current output

[root@uk01 public_html]# grep -Pzo '(?s)INTO .?db.? VALUES[^(]\K[^;]*' aniko.sql | grep -Pao '\(([^,]*,){2}\K[^,]*' | sed -e 's/^/test_/'


  • This uses grep to achieve what you want:

    grep -Pzo '(?s)INTO .?db.? VALUES[^(]\K[^;]*' ./anikokiss_mysql4.sql | grep -Pao '\([^,]*,\K[^,]*'

    First I use grep to get everything after INTO db VALUES. Then, pass the output of that to another instance of grep which cuts it after the first ,.

    To change what column to get you can just keep repeating the look behind in the last grep {N}:

    # This gets first column
    grep -Pzo '(?s)INTO .?db.? VALUES[^(]\K[^;]*' file | grep -Pao '\(([^,]*,){0}\K[^,]*'
    # This gets fourth column
    grep -Pzo '(?s)INTO .?db.? VALUES[^(]\K[^;]*' file | grep -Pao '\(([^,]*,){3}\K[^,]*'

    Will get the fourth column,