I wrote a dart package which is being used by my flutter application. Inside the dart package I want to store some static data in a json file which I want to read from the dart package code.
However I can't find a way to access asset files directly from a dart package. Using the File(path).readAsString()
only works for dart console applications and using the rootBundle
only works for flutter packages/applications.
My question is: How can I access this file which is stored in the dart package assets directly from the pure dart package?
In a flutter package I would simply make the file available via pubspec.yml like this
- lib/assets/b737.json
But I could not find a similar solution for a pure dart package.
After long research and nice help from the community this feature simply doesn't seem to exist.
But there are workarounds:
Load the asset file from the flutter project via rootBundle.loadString() and specify the asset file in the flutter pubspec.yaml and pass the string data to the dart package. Check ch271828n's answer for details
An easy solution is to convert the pure dart package to a flutter package. Then it's not pure dart anymore, but that doesn't always hurt. Especially, when the package is used inside another flutter project/package.
Instead of providing asset files and reading the content at runtime, you can also directly safe the asset file content to a static const variable. For bigger assets however this might slow down your IDE if it indexes hundrets of thousands of lines from the assets. Excluding these files from the analyzer might help: analysis_options.dart
- '**/assets/data/**'
You can also checkout the aspen package which assists with the previous solution. You specify the paths of the assets and via code generation the contents of these files are then saved to variables which are directly available from the code.
part 'assets.g.dart';
// @Asset is an annotation from package:aspen that marks the asset to be packed.
// We create a const (it must be const!) value that holds the generated asset content.
const myTextAsset = TextAsset(text: _myTextAsset$content);