I have the following function:
float int_to_qty(unsigned x) {
const float MAX = 8.5f;
const float MIN = .001f;
return ((MAX-MIN) / (float)(1<<24)) * x + MIN;
This compiles (with reasonable options, on x86) to the following:
.long 0x3507fbe7 # float 5.06579852E-7
.long 0x3a83126f # float 0.00100000005
int_to_qty: # @int_to_qty
mov eax, edi
cvtsi2ss xmm0, rax
mulss xmm0, dword ptr [rip + .LCPI0_0]
addss xmm0, dword ptr [rip + .LCPI0_1]
I consider the assembly to be the "canonical" version of the function: Convert the int to a float, multiply by a constant at 32-bit precision, add another constant at 32-bit precision, that's the result.
I want to find the exact inverse of this function. Specifically, a function
unsigned qty_to_int(float qty)
that will pass the following test:
int test() {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < (1 << 24); ++i) {
float qty = int_to_qty(i);
if (int_to_qty(qty_to_int(qty)) != qty) {
return 0;
return 1;
< 8, the returned values primarily differ by 1 ulp, which is what makes this challenging.int_to_qty(x)
< 8.5, the function stops being one-to-one. In this case either answer is fine for the inverse, it doesn't have to be consistently the lowest or the highest.After wrestling for a long time, I finally came up with a solution that passes the tests. (In Rust, but the translation to C is straightforward.)
pub fn qty_to_int(qty: f64) -> u32 {
const MAX: f32 = 8.5;
const MIN: f32 = 0.001;
let size_inv = f64::from(1<<24) / f64::from(MAX - MIN);
// We explicitly shrink the precision to f32 and then pop back to f64, because we *need* to
// perform that rounding step to properly reverse the addition at the end of int_to_qty.
// We could do the whole thing at f32 precision, except that our input is f64 so the
// subtraction needs to be done at f64 precision.
let fsqueezed: f32 = (qty - f64::from(MIN)) as f32;
// The squeezed subtraction is a one-to-one operation across most of our range. *However*,
// in the border areas where our input is just above an exponent breakpoint, but
// subtraction will bring it below, we hit an issue: The addition in int_to_qty() has
// irreversibly lost a bit in the lowest place! This causes issues when we invert the
// multiply, since we are counting on the error to be centered when we round at the end.
// To solve this, we need to re-bias the error by subtracting 0.25 ulp for these cases.
// Technically this should be applied for ranges like [2.0,2.001) as well, but they
// don't need it since they already round correctly (due to having more headroom).
let adj = if qty > 4.0 && qty < 4.001 {
0.5 - 2.0 / 8.499
} else if qty > 8.0 && qty < 8.001 {
0.5 - 4.0 / 8.499
} else {
// Multiply and round, taking into account the possible adjustments.
let fresult = f64::from(fsqueezed) * size_inv + adj;
unsafe { fresult.to_int_unchecked() }