I have a set of weekly data for 30 years (1991 - 2020). The data was collected weekly between 5th may - 10 October every year. This gives me 23 weeks of data every year for 30 years.
I want to create a time series in R with this data. How do I do that please? It should be just 690 entriesin the output, but it is generating 1531 entries in the output See my codes and data below:
I saw a similar question HERE, but mine repeats for 30 years.
myts <- ts(df$Kc_Kamble, start = c(1991, 1), end = c(2020, 23), frequency = 52)
Output in R:
Time Series:
Start = c(1991, 1)
End = c(2020, 23)
Frequency = 52
Sample data:
Year Week Kc_Kamble
1991 1 0.357445197
1991 2 0.36902168
1991 3 0.383675947
1991 4 0.400703221
1991 5 0.418901921
1991 6 0.437049406
1991 7 0.453742803
1991 8 0.467291036
1991 9 0.475942834
1991 10 0.476898402
1991 11 0.464632341
1991 12 0.436298927
1991 13 0.396338825
1991 14 0.352731819
1991 15 0.313539638
1991 16 0.283932169
1991 17 0.2627343
1991 18 0.247373874
1991 19 0.235647483
1991 20 0.225655859
1991 21 0.216663659
1991 22 0.208550065
1991 23 0.203605036
1992 1 0.336754943
1992 2 0.334735193
1992 3 0.342654691
1992 4 0.363520428
1992 5 0.397733301
1992 6 0.4399758
1992 7 0.483592219
1992 8 0.521920773
1992 9 0.548597061
1992 10 0.560150059
1992 11 0.557210705
1992 12 0.542114151
1992 13 0.5173071
1992 14 0.485236257
1992 15 0.448348321
1992 16 0.409089999
1992 17 0.369907993
1992 18 0.333162073
1992 19 0.300014261
1992 20 0.270225988
1992 21 0.243406301
1992 22 0.219247646
1992 23 0.204966601
Let me suggest the following steps to set up and start analyzing your time series.
dates <- seq(as.Date("1991-01-01"), as.Date("2020-01-01"), by = "weeks")
data <- rep(NA, length(dates))
myxts <- xts(x = data, order.by = dates)
str(myxts); head(myxts); tail(myxts)
ts_data <- read.table("https://www.dropbox.com/s/k2cxpja3cpsyoyc/ts_data.txt?dl=1", header =TRUE, sep="\t")
year.2014 <- ts_data[which(ts_data$Year == 2014),]
year.2014 # 23 rows of data for 2014.
start <- as.Date("2014-5-5"); end <- as.Date("2014-10-10")
collect <- which ( index(myxts) >= start & index(myxts) <= end )
myxts[collect] <- year.2014$PRPtot
# year.2014 and collect must have the same number of rows
myxts2 <- window(myxts, start=start-50, end=end+50)
str(myxts2); myxts2
autoplot(myxts2, geom = "point")