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Adding an asset to a release through GitHub action triggered on release creation

We have a GitHub Actions workflow triggered by the creation of a release, i.e.,

    types: [created]

How can we add the built files to the triggereing release as an asset from within the workflow?

I have seen this answer recommending softprops/action-gh-release, but that seems to apply to workflows triggered by pushes (with tags) and not "on release".


  • You can use the same action with the on: release trigger.

    The GITHUB_REF environment variable or GitHub.ref context variable should contain the tag of the release.


    Another way to add files to the workflow is to use the GitHub CLI:

    gh release upload $GITHUB_REF path/to/file path/to/file etc

    That way you don't need to pull in actions from the marketplace.

    ${{ github.event.release.tag_name }}

    Is another way to access the tag name.