please I have the following example to show a layout issue I'm facing with my R shiny app. Example should be entirely reproducible:
ui <- dashboardPage(
title = "Dashboard test", # this is the name of the tab in Chrome browserr
dashboardHeader(title = "Web Portal"),
menuItem('Retail', tabName = "retail", icon = icon("th"),
menuItem('Dashboard', tabName = 'retail_dashboard'))
tabItem(tabName = "retail_dashboard",
tabsetPanel(type = "tabs",
dataTableOutput("table_test1", width = '100%')),
dataTableOutput("table_test2", width = '100%'))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$table_test1 <- renderDataTable({
df <- data.frame(BUCKET=c("1","2"), ITEM=c(48,53), VALUE = c(7.88, 5.12), stringsAsFactors = F)
rownames= F,
#colnames = colnames_var,
filter = 'none',
extensions = 'Buttons',
caption = NULL,
options = list(scrollX = T
#, headerCallback = js_col_header # this is to show/hide column headers
, lengthChange = T
#, pagingType = "numbers" # this hides the Next and Previous buttons -->
, paging = T # this completely hides the Next, Previous and Page number at the bottom of the table
, autoWidth = T
, pageLength = 5 # this determines how many rows we want to see per page
, dom = 'Blfrtip'
, buttons = NULL
, info = T # this will hide the "Showing 1 of 2..." at the bottom of the table -->
, searching = T # this removes the search box ->
, ordering = F # useful especially when we want to hide column names
output$table_test2 <- renderDataTable({
df <- data.frame(BUCKET=c("1","2"), ITEM=c(48,53), VALUE = c(7.88, 5.12), stringsAsFactors = F)
rownames= F,
#colnames = colnames_var,
filter = 'none',
extensions = 'Buttons',
caption = NULL,
options = list(scrollX = F
#, headerCallback = js_col_header # this is to show/hide column headers
, lengthChange = T
#, pagingType = "numbers" # this hides the Next and Previous buttons -->
, paging = T # this completely hides the Next, Previous and Page number at the bottom of the table
, autoWidth = T
, pageLength = 5 # this determines how many rows we want to see per page
, dom = 'Blfrtip'
, buttons = NULL
, info = T # this will hide the "Showing 1 of 2..." at the bottom of the table -->
, searching = T # this removes the search box ->
, ordering = F # useful especially when we want to hide column names
cat("\nLaunching 'shinyApp' ....")
shinyApp(ui, server)
Problem 1: if I open this app on a large screen, table_test2 is nicely taking all the expected real estate of the screen, ranging entirely within 3 columns. However, table_test1 does not (see my screenshot). Main difference is that table_test1 has scrollX =T vs table_test2 that has scrollX =F. How can I keep scrollX = T and visualize table_test1 the same way I visualize table_test2 (meaning, with no empty side spaces)? (see red color in attached screenshot)
Problem 2: How come the alignment of table_test1 is a bit messed up and column names are not aligned to table columns? (see blue color in attached screenshot)
Changing scrollX is not an option since some users have a smaller screen and with scrollX =F tables would not show up properly on some users' monitors.
Take out the autoWidth
option from datatable
data = df,
rownames = FALSE,
filter = "none",
extensions = "Buttons",
caption = NULL,
options = list(
scrollX = TRUE,
lengthChange = TRUE,
paging = TRUE,
pageLength = 5,
dom = "Blfrtip",
buttons = NULL,
info = TRUE,
searching = TRUE,
ordering = FALSE