I'm trying to get a list of Investors from the US, their birth dates, and places. But the SPARQL code below doesn't seem to work. I tried it on both
DBpedia pages: https://live.dbpedia.org/sparql or https://dbpedia.org/snorql/
PREFIX dbo: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
PREFIX dbr: <http://dbpedia.org/resource/>
SELECT ?name ?birthPlace ?birthDate
?person a dbo:BusinessPerson, dbo:Entrepreneur, dbo:Investor .
?person dbo:birthPlace ?birthPlace .
?person dbo:birthDate ?birthDate .
?person dbo:country dbr:United_States .
?person rdfs:label ?name .
FILTER(LANG(?name) = 'en')
Can't find any good literature on this subject either so having trouble understanding what I should alter.
All advice is appreciated.
Try the following query here:
SELECT distinct ?person ?label ?birthPlace ?birthDate
?person rdf:type dbo:Person.
?person ?p dbr:Investor.
?person dbo:nationality dbr:United_States.
?person rdfs:label ?label. FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en')
OPTIONAL{?person dbp:birthPlace ?birthPlace.}
OPTIONAL{?person dbo:birthDate ?birthDate }
?person rdf:type dbo:Person.
?person ?p dbo:Entrepreneur.
?person dbo:nationality dbr:United_States.
?person rdfs:label ?label. FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en')
OPTIONAL{?person dbp:birthPlace ?birthPlace.}
OPTIONAL{?person dbo:birthDate ?birthDate }
?person rdf:type dbo:Person.
?person a dbo:BusinessPerson.
?person dbo:nationality dbr:United_States.
?person rdfs:label ?label. FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en')
OPTIONAL{?person dbp:birthPlace ?birthPlace.}
OPTIONAL{?person dbo:birthDate ?birthDate }
you can also try this equivalent query on wikidata SPARQL endpoint here:
SELECT ?person ?personLabel ?dob ?pobLabel
?person wdt:P31 wd:Q5.
?person wdt:P106 wd:Q557880.
?person wdt:P27 wd:Q30.
OPTIONAL {?person wdt:P569 ?dob.}
OPTIONAL {?person wdt:P19 ?pob. }
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }