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Failed to create environments: browserIDE Cloud9 could not connect to the EC2 instance. Please check your VPC configuration and network settings

New with AWS here, i want to create a cloud9 environment but i´m receiving this error:

Failed to create environments: browserIDE Cloud9 could not connect to the EC2 instance. Please check your VPC configuration and network settings. Go to CloudFormation stack

I read the vpc requirements to create a cloud9 environment and found this tutorial to create a vpc, i configured the NAT gateway, the route tables and the internet gateways but i am receiving the error


  • Just download this cloud9 template to create a cloud 9 instance using with cloudformation stack, is important to select the option to prevent the rollback.

    It has some errors but at least a cloud9 instance works, if you receive an error please check the original github repo and the guidelines