Description: This is Excel 2013 VBA case. I created AddIn which should be able to install and uninstall another AddIns from AddIn list stored in global variable "listOfAddIns" which is Array of Arrays of Variant Type called "valueArray". There are "group control" buttons (for purpose of install or uninstall all available addins) and "individual control" toogle buttons (for install or uninstall specific AddIn). I use a lot of callback functions for purpose of full customization of all elements from VBA.
Problem: Everything works perfectly for installing/uninstalling AddIns without their own Ribbon Tabs. Once installed AddIn has its own Ribbon Tab, I am no longer able to use ribbon object .Invalidate method and call callbacks. I get this poorly descriped Error Message:
Run-Time error'-2147467259(80004005)': Method 'Invalidate' of object 'IRibbonUI' failed
My Idea: Due to described symptomns, I suspect, that there are some duplicity problems of IRibbonControl from different AddIns. Despite a lot of efforts, I cannot figure it out.
Relevant part of CustomUI XML:
<customUI onLoad="OnLoad" xmlns="">
<ribbon startFromScratch="false">
<tab id = "INST1ID" label="Installer">
<group id="GroupControls" label="Group controls">
<button id="B1ID" label="Install All" size="large" onAction="InstallAll" imageMso="AcceptInvitation" />
<button id="B2ID" label="Uninstall ALL" size="large" onAction="UninstallAll" imageMso="MasterViewClose" />
<group id="IndividualControls" label="Individual controls">
<toggleButton id="TB1ID" imageMso="HappyFace" label="AddIn1" onAction="TBsControl" size="large" tag="1" getEnabled="TBsGetEnabled" getPressed="TBsGetPressed" getVisible="TBsGetVisible" />
<toggleButton id="TB2ID" imageMso="HappyFace" label="AddIn2" onAction="TBsControl" size="large" tag="2" getEnabled="TBsGetEnabled" getPressed="TBsGetPressed" getVisible="TBsGetVisible" />
<toggleButton id="TB3ID" imageMso="HappyFace" label="AddIn3" onAction="TBsControl" size="large" tag="3" getEnabled="TBsGetEnabled" getPressed="TBsGetPressed" getVisible="TBsGetVisible" />
OnLoad Sub:
Public Sub OnLoad(ribbon As IRibbonUI)
Set ribbonObject = ribbon
End Sub
Main procedure for "Group control" example:
Public Sub InstallAll(control As IRibbonControl)
Call ResetSomePublicVariables
Call CreateEntryValuesAndFillToListOfAddIns
Call CheckAvailabilityAndInstallationOfAddInsAndFillToListOfAddIns
Call UpdateListOfAddInsToInstallAllAvailableAddIns
Call InstallOrUninstallAddInsDueToListOfAddIns
End Sub
Main procedure for "Individual control" and expanded 4th Sub:
Public Sub TBsControl(control As IRibbonControl, pressed As Boolean)
Call ResetSomePublicVariables
Call CreateEntryValuesAndFillToListOfAddIns
Call CheckAvailabilityAndInstallationOfAddInsAndFillToListOfAddIns
Call UpdateListOfAddInsDueToToogleButtonRequest(control.tag, pressed)
Call InstallOrUninstallAddInsDueToListOfAddIns
End Sub
Public Sub UpdateListOfAddInsDueToToogleButtonRequest(tag As Long, pressed As Boolean)
Dim valueArray() As Variant
valueArray = listOfAddIns(tag)
If pressed = True Then
valueArray(VAColumnIndex_Installed) = 1
valueArray(VAColumnIndex_Installed) = 0
End If
listOfAddIns(tag) = valueArray
End Sub
Callback example:
Public Sub TBsGetVisible(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
For Each Item In listOfAddIns
If control.tag = Item(VAColumnIndex_Number) Then
returnedVal = True
Exit For
returnedVal = False
End If
Next Item
End Sub
First line of XML file of all my AddIns looked like this and that was a source of all problems described before.
<customUI onLoad="OnLoad" xmlns="">
Same name for onLoad procedure in different AddIns resulted in described behaviour including earlier mentioned error when 2 or more AddIns with this same name was installed. Renaming onLoad procedures to different names solved everything instantly.
Source which helped me: