I receive the following JSON from API
"second":"someValue" // keys and values are always different !
I created model to parse this JSON and it works.
struct MyModel: Codable {
let someProperty: String
let type: SomeType
var values: [String: String]?
enum SomeType: Codable {
case type1, type2
But I need to get array of objects instead of dictionary. Because I need to get values in right order.
I want something like this:
struct MyModel: Codable {
let someProperty: String
let type: SomeType
var values: [Value]?
enum SomeType: Codable {
case type1, type2
struct Value: Codable {
let key: String
let value: String
And I don't understand what should I change in my code to make this model works. Because now I get error "Expected to decode Array but found a dictionary instead."
Is there a way to parse JSON like I want? Any suggestions? Maybe example of code with similar parsing
Thanks for your time and your help!
Create a custom init. In it decode the dictionary and map it into an array of your Value
struct MyModel: Codable {
let someProperty: String
let type: SomeType
var values: [Value]?
enum CodingKeys: CodingKey{
case someProperty, type, values
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
someProperty = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .someProperty)
type = try container.decode(SomeType.self, forKey: .type)
let dictionary = try container.decodeIfPresent([String:String].self, forKey: .values)
values = dictionary?.map{Value(key: $0.key, value: $0.value)}