I like to know if there is a way to create topics on specific Forums when I save posts on WordPress side. Is there any tutorial available?
More specific. I like to allow my plugin users to combine a WordPress category to a phpBB forum, and when I create a new post in the WordPress, automaticly to create a topic in the phpBB side in the corresponding forum.
ie: Post that are posted on Tech News category, automaticly to be posted on Technology news forum on the phpBB side.
Any solution for that ?
BBPress is supposed to do exactly this. http://bbpress.org/
If you want to develop your own Wordpress plugin, take a look at phpBB's submit_post function: http://wiki.phpbb.com/Using_phpBB3%27s_Basic_Functions#1.4.7._Inserting_Posts_and_Private_Mess http://wiki.phpbb.com/Function.submit_post
and Wordpress' publish_post function, located in wp-includes/post.php http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_publish_post