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How to print error message while parsing in swift

this is json error structure:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "error": {
        "code": "-32700",
        "message": "Parse error",
        "meaning": "Could not decode token: Error while decoding to JSON: Syntax error"

this is success response structure:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "users": [
                "id": 371,..... so on data

here am unable to print error > message in my code

code: here able to print json response result or error dictionary in case .success(_) print statement but how to print only error > meaning

how to print error's "Parse error" in below code, please guide me

class GeneralResponse<T: Codable>: Codable {
    var result: T?
    let error: ErrorClass?

struct ErrorClass: Codable {
    let code, message, meaning: String?

struct RequestObject {
    var params: [String: AnyObject]? = nil
    var method: HTTPMethod
    var path: String
    var isTokenNeed: Bool = false
    var vc: UIViewController?

class NetworkManager {
    private let decoder: JSONDecoder
    static let sharedInstance = NetworkManager()
    public init(_ decoder: JSONDecoder = JSONDecoder()) {
        self.decoder = decoder
    public func serviceCall<T: Codable>(_ objectType: T.Type,
                                        with request: RequestObject,
                                        completion: @escaping  (T?, Error?) -> Void)  {
        let paramsDict  = ["jsonrpc" : "2.0", "params" : request.params ?? nil] as [String : Any?]
        AF.request(request.path, method: request.method, parameters: paramsDict as [String : AnyObject], encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: "Accept": "application/json")
            .responseJSON { response in
                switch response.result {
                case .success(_):
                    do {
                        print("only json respopnse \(response)")
                        let data =
                        let responseData  = try self.decoder.decode(T.self, from: data ?? Data())
                        completion(responseData, nil)
                    } catch {
                        completion(nil, error)
                        print("in catch \(error)")
                case .failure(let AFError):
                    let error = AFError
                    print("failure error: \(error)")

o/p for error in above call with print("only json respopnse \(response)")

only json respopnse success({
error =     {
    code = "-32700";
    meaning = "Token Signature could not be verified.";
    message = "Parse error";
jsonrpc = "2.0";

EDIT 2: here success response not coming in viewcontroller

struct PostModel: Codable {
    let jsonrpc: String?
    let result: PostResult?
struct PostResult: Codable {
    let users: [PostUser]?
struct PostUser: Codable {
    let id: Int?

and calling like this in vc

var k12Data: PostModel?

let paramet = ["location": "", "country": "", "gender": "", "keyword": ""] as [String : AnyObject]

let request = RequestObject(params: paramet, method: .post, path: "https://phpwebdevelopmentserv/", isTokenNeed: true, vc: self)
NetworkManager.sharedInstance.serviceCall(PostModel.self, with: request) { (response, error) in
print("viewcontroller data \(response)")


viewcontroller data Optional(TestigAllInOne.PostModel(jsonrpc: nil, result: nil))


  • You didn´t show us your Postmodel so I am asuming it is of some type of GeneralResponse<T> class.

    You should decode to your GeneralResponse class:

    let responseData = try self.decoder.decode(GeneralResponse<T>.self, from: data)

    now you can print your error if one exists:

    print(responseData.error?.meaning ?? "no error")

    and call your completion handler like this:

    guard let result = responseData.result else{
        // unknown error has occured
        completion(nil, nil) // you probably need to create a custom error here
    completion(result, nil)

    the main essence is to not pass GeneralResponse as argument to your function but the result type you are expecting. So if for example your User type looks like this:

    struct User: Codable{
        var id: String

    call it like this:

    networkmanager.serviceCall([User].self, with: RequestObject(...)) { users, error in
        // users is of type `[User]` here.