I have around 2557378 records in ALGOLIA. i am trying to apply few conditions with numericFilters
I need to fetch all a values b values and c values
I used Filter condition as below:
"numericFilters": [
"A>50 OR B > 0 OR C > 0"
The results for each part showed in below:
The OR
condition not work fine. What can be the issue?
Already posted in algolia community : https://discourse.algolia.com/t/numeric-filters/17350?u=thamira.weerakoon
Note: I am not expect A and B and C as below
I need to fetch all A value B values and C values via react InstantSearch
From what I read from the usage notes on numericFilters
you may have to try the array notation mentioned here.
i.e you may have to use it like
numericFilters: [[ "A>50", "B>0", "C>0"]]
I tested with the OR conditions on a dummy index I created and it seems to short circuit after the first OR condition for example "A>50 OR B>0 OR C>0"
gave me the hits with A>50 only and changing the order to something like "C>0 OR A>50 OR B>0"
gave me C>0 only