I have a .txt file that I read in and wish to create formatted strings using these values. Columns 3 and 4 need decimals and the last column needs a percent sign and 2 decimal places. The formatted string will say something like "The overall attendance at Bulls was 894659, average attendance was 21,820 and the capacity was 104.30%’
the shortened .txt file has these lines:
1 Bulls 894659 21820 104.3
2 Cavaliers 843042 20562 100
3 Mavericks 825901 20143 104.9
4 Raptors 812863 19825 100.1
5 NY_Knicks 812292 19812 100
So far my code looks like this and its mostly working, minus the commas and decimal places.
file_1 = open ('basketball.txt', 'r')
count = 0
list_1 = [ ]
for line in file_1:
count += 1
textline = line.strip()
items = textline.split()
print('Number of teams: ', count)
for line in list_1:
print ('Line: ', line)
for line in list_1: #iterate over the lines of the file and print the lines with formatted strings
a, b, c, d, e = line
print (f'The overall attendance at the {b} game was {c}, average attendance was {d}, and the capacity was {e}%.')
Any help with how to format the code to show the numbers with commas (21820 ->21,828) and last column with 2 decimals and a percent sign (104.3 -> 104.30%) is greatly appreciated.
You've got some options for how to tackle this.
Since your provided code already uses f strings, this solution should work for you. For others reading here, this will only work if you are using Python 3.
You can do string formatting within f strings, signified by putting a colon :
after the variable name within the curly brackets {}
, after which you can use all of the usual python string formatting options.
Thus, you could just change one of your lines of code to get this done. Your print line would look like:
print(f'The overall attendance at the {b} game was {int(c):,}, average attendance was {int(d):,}, and the capacity was {float(e):.2f}%.')
The variables are getting interpreted as:
just prints the string b
and {int(d):,}
print the integer versions of c
and d
, respectively, with commas (indicated by the :,
prints the float version of e
with two decimal places (indicated by the :.2f
For others here who are looking for a Python 2 friendly solution, you can change the print line to the following:
print("The overall attendance at the {} game was {:,}, average attendance was {:,}, and the capacity was {:.2f}%.".format(b, int(c), int(d), float(e)))
Note that both options use the same formatting syntax, just the f string option has the benefit of having you write your variable name right where it will appear in the resulting printed string.