I have a few arrays that contain the same value, but have different keys associated to them. In this case, I have names of Teams and Drivers that have an associated Price and Points value. I have used 4 for each but there could be any number in either, both being decimals.
driver_points = { "john" => 20.1, "mike" => 19.3, "paul" => 15.6, "mark" => 1.1 }
driver_price = { "john" => 4.0, "mike" => 5.0, "paul" => 6.0, "mark" => 2.1 }
team_points = { "cowboys" => 20.1, "bears" => 19.3, "lions" => 15.6, "united" => 2.8 }
team_price = { "cowboys" => 1.0, "bears" => 2.0, "lions" => 3.0, "united" => 2.4 }
I have turned the driver_price and team_price hashes into an array that gives me all the combinations less than or equal to a target value. With the condition that it can only contain 1 team and 3 drivers. I now want to rank those price combinations, by highest points. So I'm hoping there is a way that, in my current combinations I can substitute in the equivalent points value for each key, sum the points, and then rank the combinations by the points. I'd also like that rather than my combinations containing numbers that the Keys are used instead.
Here is my current code (giving me all the combinations by the target). And also a line at the bottom which is totalling each combination.
team = team_price.values.permutation(1).to_a
driver = driver_price.values.permutation(3).to_a
target = 13.5
array = team.product(driver)
res = array.select {|i| i.map(&:sum).sum <= target}.compact
t1 = res.map {|i| i[0]}
d2 = res.map {|i| i[1].flatten.sort}
combo = t1.zip(d2).uniq
full_combo = combo.flatten.each_slice(4).to_a
total_cost = combo.map {|budget| budget.map(&:sum).sum}
@test1 = full_combo, total_cost
Which is outputting (All price combinations and totalling combo):
[[[1.0, 2.1, 4.0, 5.0], [1.0, 2.1, 4.0, 6.0], [2.0, 2.1, 4.0, 5.0], [2.4, 2.1, 4.0, 5.0]], [12.1, 13.1, 13.1, 13.5]]
I would like to rank these combinations, but by the equivalent points value. So hoping I can switch in the points, sum it up, and then rank the combos highest to lowest based on this and also display the Keys rather than values. So something like this:
[[cowboys, mark, john, mike], [cowboys, mark, john, paul], [bears, mark, john, mike], [united, mark, john, mike]]
[[60.6], [56.9], [59.8], [43.4]]
Combo | Total Price | Total Points |
cowboys, mark, john, mike | 12.1 | 60.6 |
bears, mark, john, mike | 13.1 | 59.8 |
cowboys, mark, john, paul | 13.1 | 56.9 |
united, mark, john, mike | 13.5 | 43.4 |
We are given the hashes team_price
, driver_price
, team_points
and driver_points
and the maximum price of a combination, which consists of one team and three drivers:
target = 13.5
We first need variables holding the teams and the drivers.
teams = team_price.keys
#=> ["cowboys", "bears", "lions", "united"]
drivers = driver_price.keys
#=> ["john", "mike", "paul", "mark"]
Looking ahead, we will be needing to sum both prices and points for given combinations. It therefore makes sense to create a method that does that.
def add_up(combo, ht, hd)
t, d = combo
ht[t] + hd.values_at(*d).sum
If, for example,
combo = ["cowboys", ["john", "mike", "paul"]]
then the total of prices for that combo is
add_up(combo, team_price, driver_price)
#=> 16.0
See Hash#values_at and Array#sum.
We need to compute an array of all combinations for which the sum of prices does not exceed target
. First compute all combinations of three drivers.
all_driver_combos = drivers.combination(3).to_a
#=> [["john", "mike", "paul"], ["john", "mike", "mark"],
# ["john", "paul", "mark"], ["mike", "paul", "mark"]]
See Array#combination.
Next construct all combinations.
all_combos = teams.product(all_driver_combos)
#=> [["cowboys", ["john", "mike", "paul"]],
# ["cowboys", ["john", "mike", "mark"]],
# ["cowboys", ["john", "paul", "mark"]],
# ["cowboys", ["mike", "paul", "mark"]],
# ["bears", ["john", "mike", "paul"]],
# ["bears", ["john", "mike", "mark"]],
# ["bears", ["john", "paul", "mark"]],
# ["bears", ["mike", "paul", "mark"]],
# ["lions", ["john", "mike", "paul"]],
# ["lions", ["john", "mike", "mark"]],
# ["lions", ["john", "paul", "mark"]],
# ["lions", ["mike", "paul", "mark"]],
# ["united", ["john", "mike", "paul"]],
# ["united", ["john", "mike", "mark"]],
# ["united", ["john", "paul", "mark"]],
# ["united", ["mike", "paul", "mark"]]]
See Array#product.
Next extract from all_combos
those for which the sum of prices does not exceed target
valid_combos = all_combos.select do |c|
add_up(c, team_price, driver_price) <= target
#=> [["cowboys", ["john", "mike", "mark"]],
# ["cowboys", ["john", "paul", "mark"]],
# ["bears", ["john", "mike", "mark"]],
# ["united", ["john", "mike", "mark"]]]
If desired we could substitute out all_driver_combos
and chain all_combos
valid_combos = teams.product(drivers.combination(3).to_a)
.select do |c|
add_up(c, team_price, driver_price)<=target
Lastly, we wish to sort the valid_combos
by the sum of points for each element of valid_combos
ordered = valid_combos.sort_by do |c|
-add_up(c, team_points, driver_points)
#=> [["cowboys", ["john", "mike", "mark"]],
# ["bears", ["john", "mike", "mark"]],
# ["cowboys", ["john", "paul", "mark"]],
# ["united", ["john", "mike", "mark"]]]
See Enumerable#sort_by.
Notice that I have negated the value returned by add_up
so that the sort is from largest to smallest. One could alternatively write
ordered = valid_combos.sort_by do |c|
add_up(c, team_points, driver_points)
We could examine the totals of prices and points for each element of ordered
as follows.
ordered.map do |c|
{ c=>{ price: add_up(c, team_price, driver_price),
points: add_up(c, team_points, driver_points) } }
#=> [{["cowboys", ["john", "mike", "mark"]]=>
# {:price=>12.1, :points=>60.6}},
# {["bears", ["john", "mike", "mark"]]=>
# {:price=>13.1, :points=>59.8}},
# {["cowboys", ["john", "paul", "mark"]]=>
# {:price=>13.1, :points=>56.9}},
# {["united", ["john", "mike", "mark"]]=>
# {:price=>13.5, :points=>43.3}}]