I'm not being able to add primary keys to an existing dm
object using dm_add_pk
. The error seems to appear only when the values are used dynamically (in a for loop for example) OR when its values are themselves captured on a separate variable.
My question is: has anyone else ever seen such a behavior? I mean R behaving differently when using a simple value than having the exact same value but captured in a variable. Maybe this is by design, but I'm clueless.
Minimal (not) working example:
(Note: conn
is a connector to a PG database created with DBI::dbConnect
and RPostgres
import::from(dm, new_dm, copy_dm_to, dm_add_pk)
import::from(purrr, map, set_names)
DATA_MODELS <- list(
"TableName" = list(
"cols" = data.frame(
"keys" = c("run_id", "col_2")
tables_named_list <- map(DATA_MODELS, ~ set_names(.x, names(.x)))
tables_to_migrate <- list()
tablenames <- list()
for (t in names(tables_named_list)) {
tables_to_migrate <- append(tables_to_migrate, list(tables_named_list[[t]][["cols"]]))
tablenames <- append(tablenames, t)
names(tables_to_migrate) <- tablenames
data_model <- new_dm(tables_to_migrate)
for (table in names(tables_to_migrate)) {
# The first line here fails. The 2nd one runs but seems to fail silently (no keys created)
dm_add_pk(data_model, table=!!table, columns=c(DATA_MODELS[[table]][["keys"]]))
# dm_add_pk(data_model, table=!!table, columns=c("run_id", "col_2"))
# First commented line below also fails. The second one works as expected
# dm_add_pk(data_model, table=!!table, columns=c(DATA_MODELS[[table]][["keys"]]))
# dm_add_pk(data_model, table=!!table, columns=c("run_id", "col_2"))
I tried comparing these values in a number of ways, always getting the same result: they are the exact same.
c("run_id", "col_2") == c(DATA_MODELS[[table]][["keys"]])
typeof(c("run_id", "col_2")) == typeof(c(DATA_MODELS[[table]][["keys"]]))
class(c("run_id", "col_2")) == class(c(DATA_MODELS[[table]][["keys"]]))
compare(c("run_id", "col_2"), c(DATA_MODELS[[table]][["keys"]]))
Additional info:
PostgreSQL 14.6 (Debian 14.6-1.pgdg110+1)
Version: 1.1.3, Source: Repository, Repository: CRAN, Hash: b2866e62bab9378c3cc9476a1954226b
Linux 5.15.0-58-generic #64-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 5 11:43:13 UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
The solution was to call the keys
argument using !!
just like I did for the table
parameter (I don't know why this works, but it does), like so
dm_add_pk(data_model, table=!!table, columns=!!c(DATA_MODELS[[table]][["keys"]]))