I am trying to debug a weird icon problem for my Linux app. When I search for the app in the application menu it shows the right icon but when I run the app itself the icon is broken (it shows the default icon, which is that square gear icon).
Here is the app's desktop file, which is installed to /usr/local/share/applications/com.example.Xjump.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=A jumping game
The application is implemented using SDL. The PNG icons are installed to /usr/local/share in 32x32, 64x64, and 128x128 versions. (e.g. /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/com.example.Xjump.png
Another thing that I noticed is that if I change the icon name to xjump
, matching the executable name, then the taskbar icon works correctly! That is, if I change the desktop file to say Icon=xjump
and rename the pngs to xjump.png
then the icon works correctly on both the app menu and the taskbar. However, I don't think I can do that for real, because Linux packaging guidelines prefer if the app and icon name follow that "reverse URL" convention.
Once the application is running, GNOME looks at the windows's window class to determine the right icon, because it no longer knows what desktop file was responsible for launching it. It is the responsibility of the application to correctly initialize the window class during startup.
For SDL applications, the default behavior seems to be get the window class from environment variables and, if those are unset, use the executable name as the default. This is why I could get the icon to show when I gave my icon the same name as the executable.
The fix that ended up working for me was to set the environment variables. One way to do it is to call setenv
before SDL_Init
setenv("SDL_VIDEO_WAYLAND_WMCLASS", "com.example.Xjump", 0);
setenv("SDL_VIDEO_X11_WMCLASS", "com.example.Xjump", 0);